The Five Worst Slasher Movies of All Time

slasher sequels
Silent Night Releasing Corporation Ascot Entertainment

Hundreds of slasher movies have been released over the past four decades. Most slashers are entertaining, even when they’re bad. But there are some that are just plain awful. Here are the worst slasher movies of all time.

5. Don’t Go In the Woods Alone (1981)

worst slasher movies
Seymour Borde & Associates

Don’t Go in the Woods is a hilarious travesty, a truly awful and poorly made slasher. An incoherent script and generic villain leave this movie in an unexalted place in slasher lore. Recommended for viewing by bad movie lovers. Everyone else should stay as far away as possible.

4. Sledgehammer (1983)

worst slasher movies
World Video Pictures, Inc.

Billed as one of the first straight to VHS movies, Sledgehammer is a cheap, crudely made ’80s slasher with grainy picture. Surprisingly, Sledgehammer does manage to have a few glimmers of creepiness. But the poor acting and weak production values keep it from being remotely effective.

3. I’ll Always Know What You Did Last Summer  (2006)

worst slasher movies
Sony Pictures

Most people aren’t even aware that there is a third I Know What You Did Last Summer movie. In this case, ignorance is bliss. I’ll Always Know is a cheap knockoff that bypassed theaters and resorted to stinking up the DVD and streaming market. It turns the series villain, the Fisherman, into a generic zombie. 

2. Jack Frost (1997)

worst slasher movies
A-Pix Entertainment, Inc.

Jack Frost, not to be confused with the Michael Keaton comedy of the same name, is about a psychopathic prisoner who becomes a killer snowman after a freak accident. If this movie is known for anything, it’s mainly for being one of the first roles for Shannon Elizabeth, who later became famous for American Pie. In the movie’s most controversial scene, Elizabeth’s character has an unfortunate encounter with Jack in the bathtub.

1. Silent Night Deadly Night 2 (1985)

worst slasher movies
Silent Night Releasing Corporation Ascot Entertainment

Silent Night Deadly Night 2 is composed, in large part, to recycled footage from the original movie. The new footage chronicles the exploits of Ricky, the brother of the killer from the first one, who embarks on a vengeful killing spree. The movie is known for the infamous “garbage day” scene, which became an internet meme.

Related: The 10 Worst Franchise Slasher Sequels

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